Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Story of the Internet Business Blueprint

Hello My Friend,
Today I bring you an amazing marketing system which is turning the internet
community upside down.

The Marketing System is called, The Nitro Marketing System, an it's simply
amazing tosay the least; I am amazed how perfect and well thought out this
marketing system is to understand and use.

I received an email from my friend Kevin Owner & Founder which I will let
you read so you can judge for yourself after reading this email and viewing
the presentation:

Hello Ricardo My Friend,
Ricardo Ancient cultures believed numbers told a story. 
The numbers -- 10-16-247-23-6-24391 -- tell the story of The Nitro Blueprint
That's because using this 10 step system, Matt & Kevin of Nitro Marketing have
my friend.
Generated over $16,201,456.00 million dollars, successfully ran over 247 campaigns;
Worked with over 23 partners friend, And done so, all in the past 6 years.
Their journey from flat broke, with their credit cards maxed out -- to successfully
running multi-million dollar Internet businesses (until today they've been behind
the scenes making the "faces" of those businesses Uber-Rich and Uber-Rock Stars
online) my friend has been one heck of a ride.
But then friend, a Cable Guy with no prior Internet experience - or any prior
business experience of any kind - created a $24,391 a month online business around
his passion in life - using the beta-version of the 10-Step Nitro Blueprint System.
Now, let me tell you about three more numbers:
What's so special about these numbers?
Simply this: today, Friday December 7th, Matt and Kevin are finally releasing the
"Secret Sauce" of Nitro Marketing – their proven 10-Step Blueprint:
- 29 months in the making creating the home   study course version of the Nitro
Blueprint System.
- 2 Beta tester groups have put it to use over the past 2 and a half years.
(it had to be highly tuned so that anybody could use before they would release it)
- 500 "Fast Mover" Special Edition sets are available that include a valuable
Bonus DVD called:
"The Nitro Quattro Sales System"
How to create an average customer value of $324.69 from a 6-year old *dead*
$27 ebook" The Nitro Quattro DVD is an advanced training that shows you their
proprietary sales funnel they have developed over the past two years that converts
a $27 ebook customer into an average of $324 in sales through an automated process.
That's a 12 times increase in your business when you implement this. It will
revolutionize any business it is implemented in.
Take a minute and imagine, if every person who bought your front end product, on
average, ended up buying $324 worth of products from you via an automated sales
system. How valuable would that be worth to you?
In addition to the comprehensive live training DVD, you will also receive every
webpage, email and video that was used in the example they walk you through on the
DVD as well as their own commentary on why it works the way it does.
They are giving you the whole enchilada!
That is my friend, if you are one of the first 500 people.
If you're ready to finally get the real answers, avoid years of frustration and
build a business with "Nitro-Powered" velocity, then this will be the most
exciting invitation you will ever receive.
This Nitro Blueprint System course leaves no stone unturned. You will finally
know exactly what to do and how to do it. All the guesswork is eliminated and
everything is broken down into easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.
So get one of the 500 "Limited Edition" Nitro Blueprint courses that include
the Nitro Quattro Sales Funnel DVD:
No, they aren't going to stop selling it after the 500 are gone - but you'll
pay dearly for the Nitro Quattro DVD later on.
The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It. 
(DR. Forrest C. Shaklee)
To Your Continued Success
If you want to finally have an Internet Business that gives you a full-time
online income while LOVING what you do, then you need The Nitro Blue print
10-Step System:
If you're not making 5 figures a month with your online business, this program
will give you the system to get you there. No hype -- that's just what it's
designed to do:
Remember: if nothing changes...nothing changes. Some people have a hard time taking
action, even when they know they should. This program will show you how to never
struggle with procrastination again.
You've read enough about Nitro's success story. (and the Cable Guy with no previous
experience) It's time to create your own success story.
Get started with a proven blueprint:
If you're tired of searching for the "Magic Silver Bullet", or fumbling along
with the "online fad of the month", then get onboard with the 10-Step system
proven over 247 times in every market imaginable:
Congratulations. You've just proven two things to yourself by reading this far:
1) You want the Nitro Blueprint System to work for you.
2) You DESERVE to have that happen:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Death of Network Marketing

Hi Again Friends,
Ricardo here friends; I just got an email about Ellie Drake's and Mike
Filsaime's Free Report called "The Death of Network Marketing". I will
admit, like you may also be feeling now; I thought it was some hyped
up offer to get me to buy something.

Turns out I was wrong, Way Wrong, The bottom line is this report really
opened my eyes that Network Marketing may be dying. When I read this,
I immediately thought of sharing it on my blog .

The times are changing for us and it would be a shame for you or anyone
to not read this report and fail like many will; I read it, an I wanted to
share it with you ASAP!

I recommend you take a break from whatever it is you are doing if you
can and get access to this report now, Consider your future success by
going here now my friend.

To Your Continued Success,

PS - Mike and Ellie say it will only be available for a few
days or so, so do not delay Friend.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Atomic Blogging

Hello Bloggers,
Today I wanted to talk to you about blogging
since this is a blog.

Blogs are our personal digital journals with which
we can use for whatever purpose we see fit.

Depending on how we plan on using our blogs
( for family, friends, schools, business, etc)
but however we decide to use a blog; blogs can
be very profitable.

And that's the topic of todays post "Atomic Blogging"
Please se the video link below:

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Call For Help An A Call To Arms!

This Is A Call For Help! A Call To Unite! A Call For Us To Come Together As A Community And Shut These Big Name List Building & Marketing Companies Down!

Hello My Friend,

We the Newbies, The Entrepreneurs and The Opportunity Seekers are the life blood of these companies; they can not exist without us.

I am sick and tired of being bullied by the big name gurus of marketing & list building on the internet today, these owners act like you have to buy there products, services or join there list/s or they will begin to make your life a living hell.

Let me tell you a story of what happen to me with out naming any of these companies by name, but you know who they; they just came out with a new product couple of weeks ago (around the 1st. of November 2007.) The company I’m talking about has the motto “if you are a paid member we advertise for you”.

Lets call this Company John Paul Advertising LTD for this story, I’ve been trying to make a living online now for about 6 years with little to no success, so I started to follow the lead of this big name marketing and list building company word for word.

I must have joined every new list builder they came out with, purchased almost every lead package they recommended, and still didn’t make the kind of money they said I would make, so when they launched there latest project around the 1st. of November 2007; I refused to join; I was sick and tired of receiving hundreds of emails a week just to keep them in business.

Every since I refused to join one of there list builders John Paul Advertising LTD has begun closing all of my accounts with them at 1 a week for no apparent reason.

They did all this because my credit card was reaching it’s limit, that is the reason why I had to let them go; I would receive an email informing me “ your account is now unsubscribed”

I didn’t unsubscribe my account, I didn’t send them an email asking them to unsubscribe me, I didn’t click on the unsubscribe me link; their payment processor company didn’t send me an email, but I have received those emails from the payment processor company in the past that I immediately took care of on the spot.

So how did my account get unsubscribed, because You know the only way you can join there company is by using your credit card and taking the chance of being labeled by PayPal as being part of some kind of matrix, mlm, pyramid scheme etc.

I guess the old saying “The Money Is In The List” is true, because they seem money hungry to me, and damm everyone else, that is why I’ve decided to build my own list and all those big name marketing & list building companies can just kiss my you know what, because I look at it this way now (if I have to receive hundreds of emails a day or week just to be a member there company, it’s not worth me being a member) an I was a paying upgraded member, Too!

As a result of me being so swamped with what seem like a mountain of emails, my downline members were being neglected; I was spending all damm day reading, sorting, deleting, an answering all those freaking emails.

My email boxes stayed full with email I had received 3 months ago,

I spent 1 Whole Week Deleting Old Emails from Months Back, but it didn’t matter because the very next day; my email box starting filling up all over.

Also when they tell you “oh just switch to a gmail account” don’t do it especially if you have to use your gmail account as your list email address, because all those emails will follow you to your gmail account.

I am not saying that you have to join anything I recommend, but please get into some kind of list building course and start building your own list of people that you can email, and let’s show these companies were are mad as hell and are not going to take it any more.

Let us come together as an internet community and shut them down.

Nitro List Builder

$2.95 Trial Membership to the Internet Entrepreneur's Club


To Your Continued Success


Monday, November 12, 2007

Just Add Hits Is Simply Amazing.

Ricardo here, I have to let you in on a little secret
that's exploding my signups to crazy levels.

The program is called "Just Add Hits" by
Jordansen, this system is simply amazing.

Soren went all out on his new system by
stuffing it with only the top internet earning
programs everyone wants and needs.

Just Add Hits is so simple and easy to use, a
newbie would immediately begin to grow there
list to astronomical levels.

I've only been a member since October 15th. 2007,
I already have over 62 people in my downline.

62 people may seem small, but those 62 folks are
folks will be in my downline forever or until they
unsubscribe themselves from my list.

Just Add Hits is free to join and Soren gives you
everything you need to become successful in the
internet marketing game.

I give Just Add Hits a (***** Star Rating) an highly
recommend Just Add Hits to anyone searching for a
means to grow there downline.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Prospecting Secrets Revealed!

Let me start off by explaining the biggest benefit

of providing your downline members with a viral prospecting system.

It boils down to this...

When you have a viral prospecting system in place for your team members, your downline has the potential to take on a life of its own and continue to grow effortlessly while you're focusing on more important things such as family and friends.

A gentleman I recently discovered managed to accomplish the difficult task of duplication while maintaining his full time job and family life.

He mentioned that ever since the beginning of his online ventures he was searching for a system that brought interested prospects in automatically.

He didn't have time to do the traditional recruiting methods because they required a lot of time and commitment.

What he wanted instead, was a huge downline that duplicated on auto-pilot from his part time efforts.

"But did such a solution exist?"

If it did, he said he couldn't find it...

So after many years of struggling to build a solid residual income through network marketing he decided it was time to take the bull by the horns (so to speak) and he created a 3 step marketing system that literally exploded his downline within a few months.

The part that amazed me the most was the fact that he didn't spend a dime on advertising. And his downline is now over 11,460 strong and growing monthly on auto-pilot.

Ultimately I learned that being a successful sponsor involves providing some type of system that helps people build their business, not sitting around wondering why your downline isn't doing anything.

I guess the quote from Zig Ziglar holds true:

"You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want."


If you'd like to learn more about a brand new prospecting system that builds YOUR primary business and generates multiple income streams, go here:

Monday, October 22, 2007

Product Review of "Mailloop: email and Business Automation Software"

"Is this email marketing software all hype?

Or, does Mailloop REALLY have the potential to
help you grow a six-figure income Internet business?"

Product Review of "Mailloop: email and Business Automation Software"

Are you drowning in a sea of email chores...? Sure, email is now considered to be one of the top 3 essential Internet marketing strategies:

>> A single email campaign can be worth $1,000s (if not TENS of $1,000s) in sales -- in less than 24 hours.
>> And unlike like offline advertising, there are NO printing, envelope, or postage costs to take a bite out of your profits -- email is FREE to send.

... The PROBLEM is, unless you automate your email chores early in your business lifecycle, what you're *saving* on postage and printing costs COULD be eaten up by 100s of wasted hours.

It's not really FREE to send an email campaign if it takes you 3 days to actually get it out the door!

Fortunately, today there are software and services available that take the grunt work out of sending email campaigns, newsletters, and autoresponders...

... Leaving you free to worry about the fun stuff, like crafting high-impact email campaigns... or automating your backend sales with series of autoresponders!

A favorite on my list of tools is Derek Gehl's (of Internet Marketing Center fame) Mailloop -- email and Business Automation Software.

Are people REALLY increasing profits
with Mailloop? Or, is it all hype?

Personally, I've always been comfortable using and recommending Mailloop to my friends and business associates because it has a proven track-record.

The software has been around (and evolving through updates) since 1998... and was originally built by Derek's team to manage their own email marketing campaigns, which now...

Generate over $3.5 Million is sales per year!!!!!!

Of course, if you're just getting started, software that manages email campaigns worth MILLIONS of dollars per year might seem a bit out of your league.

So I think it's important to note that Mailloop also has a long, proven track-record of helping "Regular Joe's" who have started small (with NO opt-in list or experience sending email) grow to a six-figure income -- and beyond!

(If you visit Derek Gehl's website, you can read actual case studies of these real people, and see proof of their RESULTS! Click here now.)

Sure it's more affordable... but are you
giving up features and control?

If you're price conscious like me, you'll also appreciate the value-for-the-dollar Mailloop gives you.

Mailloop has been designed to give small and home-based business owners ALL the email automation tools you need, in one easy-to-use software interface...

So while many of the email management services used by the Fortune 500s will "two-bit" you to death with extra charges that can run into the $1,000s per year, with Mailloop you get everything you need to...

  • Easily collect email addresses from an opt-in form on your website
  • Subscribe and unsubscribe people from your list automatically
  • Import existing lists of opt-in customers and subscribers
  • Send professional-looking email campaigns -- in text and HTML
  • Manage MULTIPLE newsletters from one interface
  • Automate your customer service with autoresponders
  • Send automated "follow-up" emails with unlimited autoresponders

... Plus tons more, all for one very reasonable, low one-time payment -- and NO EXTRA charges, ever!

What about support? Will you be crying
by your computer at 2 a.m.?

Here's where I really give Derek and his team some serious praise.

Until a couple of years ago, support for the Mailloop software was limited to some videos and a help manual. Yes, there were a few staff dedicated to supporting customers, but I generally get the impression they were spread too thin.

In the last couple of years, though, Derek and IMC have really beefed up their technical support... I take it this has happened in response to customer demand.

So now, not only has Mailloop been streamlined with these GREAT wizards that walk you step by step through all the critical tasks like sending your first email, setting up your first autoresponder, etc...

... Mailloop ALSO now comes with a complete suite of video tutorials, a customer support center, and personal support on-demand from a very knowledgeable, and VERY available, team of Internet marketing experts.

So getting set up with Mailloop and sending your first email campaign is a breeze...

The final verdict... Is Mailloop a diamond or a dud?

Overall, I give Mailloop my highest recommendation.

Not only do you get the entire suite of email management tools for a low, one-time payment -- a value of literally $1,000s per year...

... You also get unlimited support from IMC's experienced staff... something other service providers are charging $100+ per hour for!

And with Mailloop's track-record of helping regular people boost their incomes over six-figures per year, you can be confident that you're using a software that's already PROVEN to get results!

To get started with Mailloop, OR learn the strategies Derek Gehl used to make over $3.5 Million last year alone with email marketing, visit:

I give Mailloop my HIGHEST recommendation!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Learn The Strategies A 23-Year-Old Inner City Kid Is Using To Make $66,000+ Each Month On The Internet...

"Learn The Strategies A 23-Year-Old Inner City Kid Is Using To Make $66,000+ Each Month On The Internet...

...And Discover How YOU Can Duplicate
His Success!"

Product Review:

"The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business
on the Internet -- VERSION 2007

By Derek Gehl and The Internet Marketing Center

I've just finished reading the step-by-step guide considered by many to be the Internet marketing BIBLE -- "The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet VERSION 2007"...

... And I have to tell you I'm completely blown away by the sheer volume of money-making information Derek Gehl has managed to pack in!

"Insider Secrets" reveals the *exact* step-by-step formula the Internet Marketing Center (of which Derek is the CEO) has used to grow a $25 investment to over $60,000,000 in online sales.

And it's hot off the presses after being updated for 2007 with the very latest cutting-edge strategies for profiting online!

In TWO 8" x 11" full color binders containing 800+ pages, broken down into 64 lessons, this system is packed FULL of:

  • Step-by-step Internet marketing strategies for both Internet newbies AND experienced website owners

  • Action Plans at the end of every lesson telling you the EXACT steps you need to take next

  • In-depth case studies of successful e-business owners (like inner city kid Jermaine G., who raked in over $800,000 last year teaching people how to play the piano online!)

I'm really impressed by the combination of basic AND advanced website profit strategies Derek has poured into "Insider Secrets"...

... So if you're a total Internet newbie, you'll learn how to transform your hobbies and passions into a lucrative online business you can grow from scratch!

And if you already have an Internet business, the advanced sections of this system will show you how you can send your online profits through the ceiling!

After testing out a handful of the strategies myself, I was left speechless by how effective -- and profitable -- each one was...

In "Insider Secrets VERSION 2007," you'll discover:

  • FREE tools and resources you can use to easily build a website in less than a few hours -- even if you have ZERO web design experience!

  • How to develop a brand new product (for FREE!) in less than 2 weeks!

  • The secrets to growing an opt-in list like crazy -- even on websites that get almost NO traffic!

  • Little-known, one-minute salescopy trick that can increase online sales by up to 714%... or more!

  • How to recruit an ARMY of eager salespeople for zero money up front
    -- you don't pay them until they make a sale!

  • The most lucrative, no-brainer product to sell on the Internet -- how does 100% NET PROFIT sound?

  • How to score a top ranking in the search engines and directories like Google, Yahoo!, AltaVista, ODP, AllTheWeb, Ask, and more!

    ... And that's barely scratching the surface!

But Derek Gehl doesn't stop there...

He also throws in FIVE super bonuses -- including 4 resource CDs and one DVD -- with additional lessons, examples, interviews, and website reviews!

I give Insider Secrets VERSION 2007 a perfect 10 out of 10 without hesitation.

And the cool part is that you can take this step-by-step blueprint to online profits out for a test drive RISK FREE!

To find out how,

Friday, October 19, 2007

How to rank #1 in Google

"Attract Stampedes of FREE Traffic From Google When You Hire An SEO Expert... For Just $2.95!"

Review Of Derek Gehl's "Search Marketing Labs":

Attracting crowds of qualified buyers with a top ranking in Google, Yahoo, and MSN just got a whole lot easier... and cheaper.

The term "search engine optimization" used to be synonymous with difficult and expensive. Not any more.

Because thanks to Derek Gehl's latest release, you do NOT need to be intimidated by terms like "keyword density" and "optimization" anymore. And you certainly don't need to outsource your search engine traffic campaigns to third-party experts for exorbitant fees of $3,000-$10,000!

Instead, you can finally "do it yourself" and enjoy substantial increases in your traffic and sales with the expert guidance of your very own, private SEO consultant...

... Who will help blast your website to a top listing in Google, Yahoo, and MSN!

All for the ridiculously low investment of just $2.95.

There's absolutely no guesswork.

First, Derek gives you a series of online videos that walk you through the baby step basics of getting your website search engine ready.

Then, using the same clear, no-BS teaching style, you'll be shown how to apply the very same advanced SEO strategies that Derek and his team have used to secure a Top 5 ranking in Google for 3 years running...

... And beat out over 294 Million competitors including many multi-million dollar corporations!

And then, just in case you need some extra hand-holding, you'll have unlimited access to Derek's very own in-house SEO expert in a secret discussion forum, where you can ask unlimited questions about your specific search engine campaign!

This alone is EASILY a $1500-$3000 value -- but Derek's giving you unlimited access to his private SEO expert for the next 30 days for just $2.95.

To get all the details, visit

When Derek first launched his "Search Marketing Lab" approximately one year ago, I didn't pay much attention.

My mistake.

Because today, he's got testimonials lined up around the block -- all regular people who started with ZERO or mediocre traffic, who attract 5,000 to 40,000+ visitors every month using these secrets.

The majority of SEO books, courses, and seminars you'll find out there are a waste of money, not worth the paper they're printed on, because they're not kept up-to-date.

But since "Search Marketing Lab" gives you the same SEO strategies that Derek's currently using on his own site (, which is reported to attract over 1.8 Million visitors every month, you can be sure you'll be the first to know when there's a major search engine change…

... And the first to PROFIT from Derek's hard won SEO research, newest optimization techniques, and late-breaking developments.

I recommend very few SEO resources to my clients. But this tops my list.

And the $2.95 Trial that Derek is giving away right now is a steal. To get yours before he shuts it down...

Click Here Now to Get Your Trial and FREE Gifts...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: "I Wish I Knew How To Have Thousands Of Subscribers!

Explode Your Business With Viral Marketing!
by Justin Blake, CEO


This is one virtue a site must possess to lead the race in the ruthless competition in the Internet based business. With so much competition and rivalry going on, every method of marketing must be employed and utilized.

It doesn’t matter if you have a killer product or a fantastically designed website, if people don’t know that you exist, it doesn’t matter, and you are not going to make it big. Worst of all, you business could just get killed.

While there are so many methods and schemes used by so many e-commerce sites today, there are still some of those that can help you with an extra boost in the popularity ratings. One of these is the so called Viral Marketing.

While the term Viral easily depicts a virus, a word very much dreaded by all computer owners, it is not what it seems. You do not actually use a computer virus to spread your business; on the contrary it just might kill you. Everyone has had enough of all those pop up ads and spyware.

Viral Marketing Overview

Viral Marketing also known otherwise as Viral Advertising is a marketing Technique used to build the public awareness of one’s product or company. They use many forms of media to reach out to the public without actually promoting the product by riding on in other forms of addictive means that could get a person hooked and be obliged or amused to actually pass it on, with the product or company advertisement along with it.

In a nutshell, companies ride on the idea that if people like the content of a media they will pass it on to their friends and family. They sponsor the certain media, such as a cool flash game, funny video, amusing story and such, which one may pass on to another with the company brand or logo or the products description or any other content to help promote the company or its product.

Viral marketing has become a popular means of advertising and marketing because they are relatively low cost. To avoid being tagged as spam mail, viral marketing counts on the eagerness of one person to pas on the product. If a person sees the name of the person they know as the sender, they won’t block it and open it as well.

Many companies offer incentives such as discounts and rebates when they help in spreading their viral marketing. They rely on the number of recipients a viral marketing gets from one person in determining the amount or number of incentive they can be attributed with.

Using Viral Marketing to your advantage

The main and foremost advantage of viral marketing is that you get a lot of publicity and public awareness about your site and your company. You get to generate a flow of traffic that are potential customers. With a little ingenuity and imagination, plus some incentives or prizes, you can reach out to a great number of people and announce your existence.

Most sites and companies are catching on to the effectiveness of Viral Marketing and Advertising. Not using it could kill your business. Along with other schemes and methods in promoting your site, like Search Engine Optimization and such, viral marketing could easily push you ahead in the rating games.

Viral Marketing could be a sneaky way to get people to know about you and your company. You get them to pass your advertisement along. They are also very low cost that not investing in it could be downright a business suicide. All it takes is a great idea, a good addicting game, a funny story many ideas are still out there. Create gossip or a buzz. Many movies are promoted by using scandals and gossips to make them more popular. Remember the movie “The Blair Witch Project”?

Many big companies have tried viral marketing and have had many success stories with it. A classic example is Microsoft’s Hotmail. They were the first known big company to utilize the scheme and it has worked wonders for them.

Now it’s your turn to use viral marketing to work wonders for you. Act now and reap the benefits Viral Marketing will provide for you and your sales figures.

- Justin Blake, CEO---

Justin Blake one of the web's foremost experts in Viral Marketing. He has recently created a brand new viral marketing resource to help online business owners radically increase their profits and subscriber base, and you can find out more about this incredible resource here:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Beware the Dream Stealers By Denis Waitley

Beware the Dream Stealers By Denis Waitley

Although your own internal measurements are the most

important, you will occasionally need to seek external

feedback on your progress toward your goals. When you do, be

sure it is from people who are truly interested in seeing

you succeed.

Don't seek feedback from fair-weather friends, competitive

peers, or any person who doesn't have your best interests at

heart. Neutral doesn't count. Get feedback from someone who

is on your side but will still be objective and honest with


I've observed time and again that misery truly does love

company. Jealousy creates some of the most miserable people

I know. Surpass the achievements of your particular social

crowd or your business colleagues, and look out for the

slings and arrows of those who wish you were back where they


You have to dodge the snide remarks and catty comments. Let

them roll right off you. Don't internalize them.

Only pay attention to feedback from those who have similar

goals or who are working actively alongside you to achieve

goals of their own.

Motives and fears run deep. Study them in others. The

sympathetic fair-weather friend who supports you and

comforts you when you're down, may like you best when you

are in just that state: down and dependent.

Ultimately, nobody else is responsible for your life but

you. Nobody else is accountable for your actions but you.

Therefore, nobody's expectations for you and opinions about

you are as important as your own. So make sure those take

precedence in your mind over all others, and if you do need

to consult with someone else, think very carefully before

you choose exactly who.

Equally important, be prepared to sell your ideas to an

indifferent world. As passionate as you are about your

business and the fact that your products and services will

have positive, life-changing benefits to everyone you meet,

you are going to find resistance every time you tell your


People are most interested in their own dreams and goals.

They have difficulty believing that you have found a better

way than they have to reach them. They are suspicious and

guarded when anyone tries to sell them or change their


Rather than have others steal your dreams by raining on

them, ask questions and find out about their dreams before

you launch into your sermon. People buy what they want

first, then what they need. Find what turns them on. It may

not be what turns you on. By helping others get what they

want, you'll get what you want too!

-- Denis Waitley


To learn about Denis Waitley, as well as his exciting

success program collection go to and

search ‘Denis Waitley’.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Get Free Targeted Website Traffic

Hi Everyone,
My Name Is Ricardo an I've found this great little

tool for generating serious, or should I say-- looking

for a particular product or service--you may own.

The is no charge to become a member, but the

rewards of a paid membership is far better than

being a free member:

Affiliate Earn 50% Commission
Instantly for any Elite Member Upgrade!

That's $98.50 USD Cash Paid Instantly To Your ClickBank Account My Friend

Plus you Credits for ad impressions!

If you are looking for a great way to get some
free traffic to your website, well look no further. allows you to drive free targeted
traffic to your website just by doing what you do
anyway my friend, surfing the web.

To check it out, visit below:

Within minutes, this breakthrough patent pending
technology will be sending quality visitors to your
site, because you installed the software onto
your computer.

You can Download This Awesome Tool For Free
Right Here, but I Warn You that if you pass on the
paid membership; you'll be sorry you didn't go for the
paid membership:

Also Instant Buzz works with Firefox an Internet Explorer,
I use it myself an I'm getting some great results; I am
happy to share them with you.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

DesktopLightning - Strengths and Weaknesses Review.

From: Ricardo Weatherly
DesktopLightning - Strengths and Weaknesses

If you've been following what's been going on in the last few
days in the Internet Marketing scene then I'm sure by now you've
at least heard about
A lot of people are saying really good things about the site,
but are they true?
I decided to write up an honest review of the site, covering
what I believe to be its strengths and its weaknesses, just
to clear it up once and for all my friend.
================================================================ - Strengths and Weaknesses
  Overall Rating: 4.5 / 5 stars (* * * * 1/2)
  In A Nutshell
  A catchy new viral marketing tool, capable of broadcasting
  messages directly to people's desktops.  Easy to use, and
  caters primarily to those who have something they want to
  promote and are looking for a better way to do it.
  (Read on for why I didn't give it 5 stars)
  1. Initial Impressions
  When I was first introduced to, I wasn't
  quite sure exactly what to think.  Everyone was saying it was
  going to be more powerful than e-mail marketing, but this
  seemed like too bold of a claim.
  I signed up anyway, since I usually give things a chance --
  that's how I have found the several sites I do really trust
  and rely on.
  The signup process did take about 60 seconds, as advertised,
  and their software program downloaded and installed in about
  30 seconds.  No long, tedious install processes here.  If you
  own downloadable software, you might want to take a look at
  how quick their install process is.
  Right after installing the software, it ran immediately, and
  I was quickly presented with a tool to invite my friends.
  Within one-click's access was my Inbox, the tool to send
  broadcasts, a statistics page, and my favorite, the "Build
  Your Network" page.
  I'll get more into why that's my favorite page later.
  2. Viral Growth
  This is where the site really shines, in my opinion.  The
  purpose of a viral marketing site is that you should be able
  to invite just a few people, and then it will start growing
  on its own.
  Many sites claim to work like this, but few actually work as
  I'm not sure if it's because of their unique concept or the
  slick implementation, but this site is REALLY viral.  Here's
  some of the testimonials they got, which I think sum it up
  pretty well:
      "I haven't ever seen a system build a downline so
      fast. I joined your program just to try something
      new.  Four days later I had a downline of 43 people.
      This is unbelievable."  
           ~ Harry Joseph
      "I invited just a handful of people only a few days
      ago and I already have 48 members on 5 levels below
      me.  I am going to keep promoting this, but I see it
      has a life of it's own now. I couldn't stop my
      network from expanding if I wanted to!"
           ~ David Parton
     "This website is so viral - I received over 100
     sign-ups and my network is already 5 levels deep in
     less than 48 hours."
           ~ Rene Keiser
  Although they obviously can't guarantee results for anyone,
  the general consesus is that most people who do get those
  initial few people in are experiencing results similar to
  I give an A+ for spreading like wildfire.
  3. Direct-To-Desktop Broadcasts
  So, once you have the people in your network from the direct
  invitations and the viral growth, then it really gets cool.
  Now is when you get to broadcast whatever message you want
  directly to their desktops.
  Gone are the days of sending out emails and wondering if
  they were received due to spam filters and crowded inboxes.
  If you upgrade to their Platinum membership, then you can even
  get exact statistics on the percentage of your broadcasts that
  were opened, but the Platinum membership is not the subject
  of this review.
  Here's how it works -- the software is
  what allows the direct-to-desktop communication to be
  received. Since everyone in your network will have the application installed, just as you do,
  this is what allows such smooth and instant communication
  to occur.
  Within one hour of your sending the message, everyone in your
  network who is online will receive a notification on their
  desktop that they can click to read your message.
  Anyone who isn't online at the time will receive it when they
  log on next.
  I'm sure you can see why this type of communication has been
  more successful than email as of late, so I won't get into
  it too much here. The basic point though is that there's no
  way your message can be lost, overlooked, or blocked by any
  If you upgrade to their Platinum service you can do things
  like embed video and sound right into the broadcast, but
  again, I'll save the Platinum service for another review.
  4. Building Your Network
  Most sites out there nowadays don't really help you build a
  network of people below you.  They just throw you a URL and
  tell you to run with it.
  While this works for most advanced people, it's not something
  that's very easy for people who are just starting out. went really far this time to make sure
  that everyone has a way to bring people into their network,
  regardless of skill level.
  When you click on the "Build Your Network" link from within
  their application, you'll be presented with a surprising
  number of tools to help you build your downline.
  Everything from banners, to popups, to text ads, to invitation
  tools, to emails to send out, etc.
  Then, they continue to offer something which I haven't seen on
  any Internet Marketing site yet -- they have a "Starting From
  Scratch" section, designed specifically for people who have
  no list and no website with traffic.
  If you're in that position, then you'll love this section,
  since they detail specific strategies you can use to promote (or anything for that matter), even if
  you don't have anything to start with.
  Quite a valuable resource.
  5. Not For Everyone
  With all that said, the only downside to
  is that it's not for everyone.
  Of course, some might see that as an upside, since it's a more
  targeted opportunity.
  Basically, the bottom line is that is a
  promotional tool.  You need to have something you want to
  promote or advertise before you can really make use of the
  This is all due to the fact that the basic concept is that
  you build a viral network of people, and then broadcast
  something to it.
  But, this "something" is whatever you want, so you must
  already have something you'd want to send to a lot of people.
  If you don't have something yet, you could start building your
  network first, and then once you get something to promote
  you'll be ready to launch it immediately.
  If you do have something to promote, that's when the site
  really shines.
  6. Conclusion
  I would recommend this site to anyone who has something to
  promote or advertise.
  It definitely works, and your downline will grow extremely
  fast if you put some energy into getting it started.
  The direct-to-desktop broadcasts are a killer app in today's
  online climate, where emails barely even get through anymore.
  The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is that it has
  nothing to offer for people who don't have anything to
  promote or advertise yet.
  If you want to advertise or promote something to a lot of
  people in a unique and poweful way, then this site is for
At any rate, my general opinion is that since it's so quick to
set up and try, if you have something you want to promote you
might as well go check it out.
You can always remove it later if you decide you don't like it.
Here's the link where you can sign up:
Enjoy! :)
Ricardo Weatherly

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