Thursday, November 29, 2007

Atomic Blogging

Hello Bloggers,
Today I wanted to talk to you about blogging
since this is a blog.

Blogs are our personal digital journals with which
we can use for whatever purpose we see fit.

Depending on how we plan on using our blogs
( for family, friends, schools, business, etc)
but however we decide to use a blog; blogs can
be very profitable.

And that's the topic of todays post "Atomic Blogging"
Please se the video link below:

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Call For Help An A Call To Arms!

This Is A Call For Help! A Call To Unite! A Call For Us To Come Together As A Community And Shut These Big Name List Building & Marketing Companies Down!

Hello My Friend,

We the Newbies, The Entrepreneurs and The Opportunity Seekers are the life blood of these companies; they can not exist without us.

I am sick and tired of being bullied by the big name gurus of marketing & list building on the internet today, these owners act like you have to buy there products, services or join there list/s or they will begin to make your life a living hell.

Let me tell you a story of what happen to me with out naming any of these companies by name, but you know who they; they just came out with a new product couple of weeks ago (around the 1st. of November 2007.) The company I’m talking about has the motto “if you are a paid member we advertise for you”.

Lets call this Company John Paul Advertising LTD for this story, I’ve been trying to make a living online now for about 6 years with little to no success, so I started to follow the lead of this big name marketing and list building company word for word.

I must have joined every new list builder they came out with, purchased almost every lead package they recommended, and still didn’t make the kind of money they said I would make, so when they launched there latest project around the 1st. of November 2007; I refused to join; I was sick and tired of receiving hundreds of emails a week just to keep them in business.

Every since I refused to join one of there list builders John Paul Advertising LTD has begun closing all of my accounts with them at 1 a week for no apparent reason.

They did all this because my credit card was reaching it’s limit, that is the reason why I had to let them go; I would receive an email informing me “ your account is now unsubscribed”

I didn’t unsubscribe my account, I didn’t send them an email asking them to unsubscribe me, I didn’t click on the unsubscribe me link; their payment processor company didn’t send me an email, but I have received those emails from the payment processor company in the past that I immediately took care of on the spot.

So how did my account get unsubscribed, because You know the only way you can join there company is by using your credit card and taking the chance of being labeled by PayPal as being part of some kind of matrix, mlm, pyramid scheme etc.

I guess the old saying “The Money Is In The List” is true, because they seem money hungry to me, and damm everyone else, that is why I’ve decided to build my own list and all those big name marketing & list building companies can just kiss my you know what, because I look at it this way now (if I have to receive hundreds of emails a day or week just to be a member there company, it’s not worth me being a member) an I was a paying upgraded member, Too!

As a result of me being so swamped with what seem like a mountain of emails, my downline members were being neglected; I was spending all damm day reading, sorting, deleting, an answering all those freaking emails.

My email boxes stayed full with email I had received 3 months ago,

I spent 1 Whole Week Deleting Old Emails from Months Back, but it didn’t matter because the very next day; my email box starting filling up all over.

Also when they tell you “oh just switch to a gmail account” don’t do it especially if you have to use your gmail account as your list email address, because all those emails will follow you to your gmail account.

I am not saying that you have to join anything I recommend, but please get into some kind of list building course and start building your own list of people that you can email, and let’s show these companies were are mad as hell and are not going to take it any more.

Let us come together as an internet community and shut them down.

Nitro List Builder

$2.95 Trial Membership to the Internet Entrepreneur's Club


To Your Continued Success


Monday, November 12, 2007

Just Add Hits Is Simply Amazing.

Ricardo here, I have to let you in on a little secret
that's exploding my signups to crazy levels.

The program is called "Just Add Hits" by
Jordansen, this system is simply amazing.

Soren went all out on his new system by
stuffing it with only the top internet earning
programs everyone wants and needs.

Just Add Hits is so simple and easy to use, a
newbie would immediately begin to grow there
list to astronomical levels.

I've only been a member since October 15th. 2007,
I already have over 62 people in my downline.

62 people may seem small, but those 62 folks are
folks will be in my downline forever or until they
unsubscribe themselves from my list.

Just Add Hits is free to join and Soren gives you
everything you need to become successful in the
internet marketing game.

I give Just Add Hits a (***** Star Rating) an highly
recommend Just Add Hits to anyone searching for a
means to grow there downline.

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