Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Join the Crusade Against Lousy Web Videos.

With the proliferation of web videos, it would appear that many have no shame producing and distributing crappy videos. While if this is a video of your dog Charlie catching a frisbee while jumping off the dock at the lake, that is one thing.

But if this video is a business video that is promoting, demonstrating, or giving a tutorial on how to use your product “that is entirely a different matter. From the viewers prospective“ if you don't care about using a crappy demonstration video “ why would your attitude when you created your product or service be any different. If you as a business are providing a quality product or service “ then tell the world about it in with videos“ but do it right. By just implementing a few production details, you too can create high quality web videos.

There is a man from Wisconsin, a former Microsoft Techie, who has begun a crusade to rid the web of crappy videos. Lon Naylor shows you (with videos of course) exactly what you need to do in order to create videos that will make your business product or service shine. In a step by step system he calls Ace the Audio, he shows you the techniques that can turn a bumbling and stumbling video narration into something that sounds like it was recorded at a production studio. In this twelve part module, Lon breaks it down into simple lessons, skillfully demonstrated in video form, exactly how to produce a studio quality narration for your videos. Did I mention for a limited time, Lon is giving you access to this video completely free! - Click Here for Details http://ricardosppcempire.com/recommends/ScreenCastProfits

In the members area of his site “ Lon takes you through a total of nine different modules“ each done in the same format as Ace the Audio. Starting with a fantastic video overview tutorial, Lon takes you step by step with modules like Video Strategies, Creating Killer Screencast Videos, Planning and Preparing Your Video, Recording Your Videos, Editing Your Videos, as well as a Module on Video Production. Before you put another crappy video up “you owe it to your business to discover how with a few simple techniques you can make your videos look like high quality video productions. Your business's image is at stake“ learn how simple it is to project a video image that matches the high quality of your business's products and services. http://ricardosppcempire.com/recommends/ScreenCastProfits

To Your Continued Success,



Friday, August 1, 2008

The Importance of Keeping an Internet Marketing Journal

Hello My Friend,
Not everybody keeps a diary or a journal, but when it comes to internet marketing one of the best things you can do is note down all the things you have done, no matter how insignificant - making sure you put it down on paper, notebook or in a folder on the computer.

You can note down the mistakes you have made which will make sure you learn from them and don’t make the same mistakes again. The same can be said for all the positive things you do, make a note of what you have done and then you can refer back to that at a later date and use the same idea for a different project.

Keeping a day to day journal of even the emails that you get can be a useful action. You don’t have to write down all the emails that you receive, that would be stupid, but noting the ones that help or hinder you, can save you a lot of time and effort later when you come to create your own emails.

Some of the most successful business people in the world keep day to day journals and they will carry a small note book with them at all times, so they can jot things down, which they will later add to their journal.

Another great thing about keeping a journal, is the fact that it can help you when you are writing an ebook or even just an article. What I mean is that you can refer back to information, that otherwise you may have forgotten, or you need to put something down in a way that you just cannot think of. Referring back to your journal may just give you that little bit of insight you need to start or finish what you are writing about.

If you do not keep a journal, then you will definitely not see if you are making any progress or not. It has to be one of the best ways to keep an eye on your business, rather than just looking at various statistics. No matter how small or how big the progress, if you have different points noted down over a space of time, then you will notice the change.

Keeping your journal or a note pad with you at all times should be an essential part of your life and business. After all we cannot remember everything all of the time.


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