Thursday, September 20, 2007

No Software Needed?

proves to be just as powerful
in strategies then in the software itself. Below
you will find a student and customer of the course.

Click Here
To Learn More About This Manuscript

Michael Cheney of "Adsense Videos" applied the the
pre-launch strategies and affiliate tools and JV
strategies outlined in
Filsaime's Butterfly
Marketing Manuscript
to the his launch.

Here is what Michael Cheney had to say about what
he learned in the Manuscript:

"Mike - first off I just want to say thank you so much!
The techniques I learned from
Butterfly Marketing
played a BIG part in helping me make $63,249 in sales
in 24 hours!!

As I write this I'm still finding it hard to believe.
It seems a lifetime ago that the BFM package landed on
my doorstep and I started poring over it with my smile
getting larger and wider with each new insight as I
realized that as long as I APPLIED what I was learning
the principles were going to make something BIG happen!

Little did I know just HOW BIG it would be when I
launched AdSense Videos...

AdSense Videos - 33 Hours After Launch..

The site went live. My life changed forever - seriously
the results have been incredible Mike - we've grossed
over $200,000 in 7 days!! The site got an Alexa ranking
on Launch Day of 351!

AdSense Videos was ranked Number 1 on the ClickBank
Marketplace in the Marketing category just 4 days after
the Launch!

I've also been getting, on average, one new subscriber
every minute of every hour for the past SIX AND A HALF

So - What did I learn from you Mike and from Butterfly
Marketing? Where to start! I think one of the biggest
things was the step-by-step approach. Everything I
created for Affiliates, Joint Venture partners and for
people going through the videos themselves has been
step-by-step. I made everything as easy as I could and
'muppet-proof' as I like to call it!

I also realized that it's paying attention to the smaller
details BEFORE launch that really pay dividends AFTER the
Launch. And BOY am I seeing that!

You gave some
absolute gems of advice in Butterfly
Marketing which have, without a shadow of a doubt,
contributed in a big way to the overall success of AdSense

Thanks again!

Michael Cheney"

You too can have the same results as Michael Cheney by
implementing the tactics and strategies outlined in Mike
Filsaime's Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.

Learn why people are saying that this report changed the
way marketing is done on the internet for good!

Click Here
to read more amazing success stories from
people who applied what Mike teaches in his tell all
Manuscript on how to profit big from your own products
and membership sites.

To your success,


proves to be just as powerful
in strategies then in the software itself. Below
you will find a student and customer of the course.

Click Here
To Learn More About This Manuscript

Michael Cheney of "Adsense Videos" applied the the
pre-launch strategies and affiliate tools and JV
strategies outlined in
Filsaime's Butterfly
Marketing Manuscript
to the his launch.

Here is what Michael Cheney had to say about what
he learned in the Manuscript:

"Mike - first off I just want to say thank you so much!
The techniques I learned from
Butterfly Marketing
played a BIG part in helping me make $63,249 in sales
in 24 hours!!

As I write this I'm still finding it hard to believe.
It seems a lifetime ago that the BFM package landed on
my doorstep and I started poring over it with my smile
getting larger and wider with each new insight as I
realized that as long as I APPLIED what I was learning
the principles were going to make something BIG happen!

Little did I know just HOW BIG it would be when I
launched AdSense Videos...

AdSense Videos - 33 Hours After Launch..

The site went live. My life changed forever - seriously
the results have been incredible Mike - we've grossed
over $200,000 in 7 days!! The site got an Alexa ranking
on Launch Day of 351!

AdSense Videos was ranked Number 1 on the ClickBank
Marketplace in the Marketing category just 4 days after
the Launch!

I've also been getting, on average, one new subscriber
every minute of every hour for the past SIX AND A HALF

So - What did I learn from you Mike and from Butterfly
Marketing? Where to start! I think one of the biggest
things was the step-by-step approach. Everything I
created for Affiliates, Joint Venture partners and for
people going through the videos themselves has been
step-by-step. I made everything as easy as I could and
'muppet-proof' as I like to call it!

I also realized that it's paying attention to the smaller
details BEFORE launch that really pay dividends AFTER the
Launch. And BOY am I seeing that!

You gave some
absolute gems of advice in Butterfly
Marketing which have, without a shadow of a doubt,
contributed in a big way to the overall success of AdSense

Thanks again!

Michael Cheney"

You too can have the same results as Michael Cheney by
implementing the tactics and strategies outlined in Mike
Filsaime's Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.

Learn why people are saying that this report changed the
way marketing is done on the internet for good!

Click Here
to read more amazing success stories from
people who applied what Mike teaches in his tell all
Manuscript on how to profit big from your own products
and membership sites.

To your success,


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

7 Ways To Squeeze More Profit From Your Opt-In List

The money is in the list…right? You’ve read all the success stories about people who’ve built a small fortune with opt-in lists. So you decided to create one of your own (good decision).

  • You set up a squeeze page with your freebie and your opt-in form and started promoting your list everywhere possible.
  • You grabbed some great articles from an ezine directory and sent them to your list.
  • You found a popular product at ClickBank, sent out a solo ad and waited for the sales fill up your inbox.

You felt the success welling up inside you!

Then reality strikes like a lightning bolt…

Nothing…Not one sale!

What could have gone wrong?

Why have others succeeded where you have failed?

The secret to squeezing more profits from your opt-in list is building a relationship with your subscribers. The following tips will help you establish friendship and trust with your readers so they’ll listen to what you have to say and act on your recommendations.

1. Establish the terms of your relationship. This starts at the squeeze page. Tell your subscribers what they will get and that they will need to confirm their subscription to download your report. Assure them that they will not be bombarded with product promotions. And of course, you will not share their email address with anyone.

2. Let your subscribers get to know you. The first contact is critical and will set the tone for your relationship. Tell your story. Let your subscribers know who you are, where you live, how you got started online, what you’ve accomplished and most importantly, how you can help them accomplish their goals. This bonding period will determine how they react when they see future email messages from you in their inbox.

3. Tell your subscribers exactly what to expect from you. Let them know up front what types of content you’ll be sending them. Tell them how often will you be sending emails. If you send special articles or reviews on Friday, let them know. Tell them what to look for in the subject line like the name of your ezine or an acronym. Make sure they know that you will be recommending products and services that you personally use to run your business. List all the benefits of being on your list in first email so they know exactly what to expect in the future.

4. Write your messages as if you were writing to a friend. Make your subscribers feel like you’re writing a personal note, just to them. Use a subject line that looks personal: Hey Bob, I think you’ll like this… Start your message with a personal story (make it short), then move on to the main topic of your email.

5. Get to know your subscribers. Before you start blasting your list with offer for the latest, greatest products that everyone else is pitching, get to know your audience and what THEY want. The easiest way to find out what they want is to simply ask. Have your subscribers send you their most important question about a particular topic or make a post on your blog. Surveys are another great way to find out what people want. Once you know what they are looking for, it’s easier to provide the content that they want and promote the products that they need.

6. Ditch the hype. It’s okay to get excited about a product that you truly believe in. But make sure you always tell the TRUTH about the products you promote. Don’t put a frosty coating on everything. Tell it like it is…good or bad. Your subscribers will love you for it and look forward to every email you send. People buy from people they trust. So when you do send a promotion, they’ll be more likely to buy from you.

7. Be Consistent. You need to contact your list on a regular basis. How often you send emails depends on the type of business you run. If you sell your own products, you may want to send a weekly update. If you promote affiliate products, you may want to send an article or product review every Wednesday to pre-sell your subscribers and then follow up with a promotion the next day. If they know when to expect your emails, then they’re more likely to look out for them on those days.

If you follow these 7 simple steps, you’re sure to build a long-lasting and profitable relationship with your list.

Did you like this article? Please leave a comment below…


Derrick VanDyke is the author of “Affiliate Cash Secrets.” If you’d like to get on his mailing list and receive tips, articles and information about affiliate marketing, visit:

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Increase Revenue From Your Website With Targeted E-mail Marketing Solutions!

"Interested in promoting your website, but don't want to pay big bucks for advertising? "

"Increase revenue from your website with targeted e-mail marketing solutions, guaranteed performance based advertising, accurate real-time campaign tracking, and more...with minimal cost to you!"

If you've been searching for information on reaching large targeted audiences and making more sales from your website, then you've probably come across And, if you are like me then you probably wondered what the story is behind this popular advertising site.

Well, here's the truth: This list is the real deal.

Listen, I'll be the first to admit that I was hesitant when I first decided to join "" But after I started advertising my website on this list, I was literally blown away by the effectiveness of it.

The first thing I noticed as soon as I gained access to their member's area was that it was easy to navigate and laid out well -- affordable advertising deals, real-time tracking...and so on. I know that this sounds like an overwhelming amount of information, but one of my favorite things about this website -- which you'll discover right away -- is that it extremely targeted, very effective, can run multiple campaigns, track and reporting, and very affordable.

For example, as soon you login you can ask for a 'free marketing consultation'. Already familiar with marketing online? Skip to the next step, selecting an ad package and placing your ad order -- every campaign can be tracked, and will get personal attention from a marketing professional.

And the best part is that you will see responses as soon as you start advertising with Rent-A-List.

But what impresses me most about this company is that -- every package comes with an iron-clad guarantee. You can be sure to hear from them with a 'complete stats report' of your previous campaign.

"" is considered by many marketers as the most effective marketing site, since it reaches mass targeted audience. Thousands of marketers use it on a daily basis and swear that it is The best advertising site out there. I give this service my absolute highest recommendation.

Start gaining new customers in less than 15 minutes. Click here for more information

Friday, September 7, 2007

Operation Money Pump – Review

Anybody that's wanting to make money online the easy way MUST get a copy of Operation Money Pump today.

It explains how you can, just like many others make a living from being an Online Affiliate Marketer.

For those that don't know what an Affiliate Marketer is then here's the simple version ...

An Affiliate Marketer is someone that promotes other peoples products or services in order to gain a commission.

For example ...I promote other peoples online products and gain commissions ranging from 50 to 75% per sale
This can be on products costing over $1000!!

Not a bad way to make a living right?

Damn right more
9 to 5 job for me. I work when I want for how long I want. Normally I do a couple of promotions a week and that's it. The rest of the time I hang out at the beach.

If you want a life like this then Operation Money Pump is the way to go. Everything is explained simply in black and white.

It talks you through the entire process for you to get started and succeed in your new chosen career, with nothing left out.

Even the experienced affiliate marketer can learn some new techniques to pull in even more traffic to generate more income.

There's something for everyone in this product.

The book even touches on product creation and how you can expand and grow your wealth even further using Internet Marketing.

This is only once you have mastered Affiliate Marketing and taken it to it's full potential.

I wish there was a product like this when I started out, as it would have made life so much easier. No trial and error BS ... just the way it should be done and that's it. All the steps that are required covered in full.

This product is the Affiliate Marketers bible. A must have for anyone wanting to make money online.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What's The Big Deal With Downline Secrets 2 Anyway?

If you haven't heard yet James Grandstaff

has Released "Part 2" of his "Downline Secrets."

Before I get to my review, I thought I should

play a little catch-up in case you have no

clue as to what Downline Secrets "Part 1" is


Basically with Downline Secrets part 1 you

get free access to a recorded call between

Mike Filsaime and James Grandstaff. Mike asks

James questions about the success he had

using (a free advertising

resource) to grow his downline.

You get access to the MP3 and PDF transcript

of the call (which is nice because I don't

always like to sit in front of my PC to read

or listen to content.)

During the call James reveals how he used

his free Instant Buzz traffic along with his

(now proven) 3 step strategy to explode his

downline into the thousands on complete auto


The cool part is he did it while maintaining

his full time job as a PC support technician

in Michigan.

And from there you have the opportunity to

buy the same software that James developed

to grow his downline and use it to grow your

downline in any program you happen to be

involved in.

So all-in-all is a great

site and offers a lot of great info for free

on how to build your downline using the web.

What makes Downline Secrets "Part 2" so much

better is that it takes over where Downline

Secrets 1 left off.

What I mean is this my friend!

With Downline Secrets 1 you were left to

figure out all the technical stuff in order

to duplicate James' results for your MLM

business. The software and detailed videos

are fantastic but you still have to come up

with the web copy, the hosting, the HTML

page design and so on The Yucky Stuff.

Let's just say his target market is much

smaller because if you don't have the much

needed technical skills or the money to hire

those with the skills, you are pretty much

out of luck and can't fully benefit from

the entire system he is teaching.

This time around you get access to a call

between James Grandstaff and Chris Zavadowski

who is also very successful in the MLM scene.

He grills James for over an hour and gets

all the must know secrets out of him.

The system James is offering this time is

over the top! He covers all the technical

stuff for us this time an everything is

completely set-up. All the technical issues

have been removed. This is great because

“More People Can Now Truly Benefit from his

Teachings and Proven System.”

Now, I want to let you in on something my friend

Once you register for the call below you

will see an offer for James' Elite Upgrade

Membership. All I can say is ==> TAKE IT!

It's only $47 bucks and for what you get

It's Simply Mind Blowing!

In a nut shell my friend he's offering you a

professional designed lead capture page

that gives away a customized version of

his new manuscript called 'How to Get Rich

Building a LAZY Downline!'

This PDF is first customized with your

affiliate links to several "generic" MLM

training resources. As you give this thing

away you will earn commissions from those

you refer who upgrade in any of the programs.

And since they're all MLM related, the

conversion rates should be extremely high!

All you do is simply advertise the lead

capture page via the special link you get

and James' software sends an email to your

prospects (with a link to your customized


Everything is on auto-pilot!

Oh, and don't worry, the traffic aspect is

even handled for you. Be sure to check out

the bonus that's included :-)

See, I told you this thing was awesome.

As you can see, I'm totally excited about

this because it's refreshing to see a great

product come along that is truly capable of

changing the lives of others.

So yes, Downline Secrets 2 gets my highest


Sign up below and buy everything ;)

Here's the link:

Take care of your business and yourself :-)



What's the deal with Downline Secrets 2?

If you haven't heard yet my friend James Grandstaff
has released "Part 2" of his "Downline Secrets."

Before I get to my review, I thought I should
play a little catch-up in case you have no
clue as to what Downline Secrets "Part 1" is

Basically with Downline Secrets part 1 you
get free access to a recorded call between
Mike Filsaime and James Grandstaff. Mike asks
James questions about the success he had
using (a free advertising
resource) to grow his downline.

You get access to the MP3 and PDF transcript
of the call (which is nice because I don't
always like to sit in front of my PC to read
or listen to content.)

During the call James reveals how he used
his free Instant Buzz traffic along with his
(now proven) 3 step strategy to explode his
downline into the thousands on complete auto

The cool part is he did it while maintaining
his full time job as a PC support technician
in Michigan.

And from there you have the opportunity to
buy the same software that James developed
to grow his downline and use it to grow your
downline in any program you happen to be
involved in.

So all-in-all is a great
site and offers a lot of great info for free
on how to build your downline using the web.

What makes Downline Secrets "Part 2" so much
better is that it takes over where Downline
Secrets 1 left off.

What I mean is this my friend:

With Downline Secrets 1 you were left to
figure out all the technical stuff in order
to duplicate James' results for your MLM
business. The software and detailed videos
are fantastic but you still have to come up
with the web copy, the hosting, the HTML
page design and so on... The yucky stuff.

Let's just say his target market is much
smaller because if you don't have the much
needed technical skills or the money to hire
those with the skills, you are pretty much
out of luck and can't fully benefit from
the entire system he is teaching.

This time around you get access to a call
between James Grandstaff and Chris Zavadowski
who is also very successful in the MLM scene.
He grills James for over an hour and gets
all the must know secrets out of him.

The system James is offering this time is
over the top! He covers all the technical
stuff for us this time and everything is
completely set-up. All the technical issues
have been removed. This is great because
more people can now truly benefit from his
teachings and proven system.

Now, I want to let you in on something...

Once you register for the call below you
will see an offer for James' Elite upgrade
membership. All I can say is ==> TAKE IT!

It's only $47 bucks and for what you get
it's simply mind blowing!

In a nut shell... he's offering you a
professional designed lead capture page
that gives away a customized version of
his new manuscript called 'How to Get Rich
Building a LAZY Downline!'

This PDF is first customized with your
affiliate links to several "generic" MLM
training resources. As you give this thing
away you will earn commissions from those
you refer who upgrade in any of the programs.

And since they're all MLM related, the
conversion rates should be extremely high!

All you do is simply advertise the lead
capture page via the special link you get
and James' software sends an email to your
prospects (with a link to your customized

Everything is on auto-pilot!

Oh, and don't worry, the traffic aspect is
even handled for you. Be sure to check out
the bonus that's included :-)

See, I told you this thing was awesome.

As you can see, I'm totally excited about
this because it's refreshing to see a great
product come along that is truly capable of
changing the lives of others.

So yes, Downline Secrets 2 gets my highest

Sign up below and buy everything ;)

Here's the link:

Take care of your business and yourself :-)


Monday, September 3, 2007

Your Private Label Internet Empire Is Here!

Today I want to tell you about a new site that I just came across. It's called Private Label Club and it's brought to you by Jason Oickle.

To say that I am impressed would be a major understatement. I mean, what he is offering to free members is just insane.

This is one of the very few sites that I have found that is litterally giving away so mach value to free members!

There really should be a monthly price tag on just the free membership alone!

Go see what I mean:

What I love the most about Private Label Club is the powerful elite membership.

I mean, on top of the free content, as an elite member you'll also get 300 plr articles, 24 headers, 12 adsense sites and 3 private label ebooks. And you're going to get all that every single month like clockwork.

This is not just any old crappy content either!

Jason has a team of very talented people to make sure you get only the highest quality possible. It truly is superb, this is the only plr membership I will ever need.

I don't want to waste any more of your time so I urge you to click the link below and secure you're free membership before Jason decides to lock the doors forever.

Dont let someone else grab your spot!

Go now:

Thank you for your time and I will see you in the members area.

To Your Success,

Ricardo Weatherly

Generator Software The Relaunch Video

Mike Filsaime Introducing Ellie Drake

Only When Video Is Done, click here

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