Wednesday, September 19, 2007

7 Ways To Squeeze More Profit From Your Opt-In List

The money is in the list…right? You’ve read all the success stories about people who’ve built a small fortune with opt-in lists. So you decided to create one of your own (good decision).

  • You set up a squeeze page with your freebie and your opt-in form and started promoting your list everywhere possible.
  • You grabbed some great articles from an ezine directory and sent them to your list.
  • You found a popular product at ClickBank, sent out a solo ad and waited for the sales fill up your inbox.

You felt the success welling up inside you!

Then reality strikes like a lightning bolt…

Nothing…Not one sale!

What could have gone wrong?

Why have others succeeded where you have failed?

The secret to squeezing more profits from your opt-in list is building a relationship with your subscribers. The following tips will help you establish friendship and trust with your readers so they’ll listen to what you have to say and act on your recommendations.

1. Establish the terms of your relationship. This starts at the squeeze page. Tell your subscribers what they will get and that they will need to confirm their subscription to download your report. Assure them that they will not be bombarded with product promotions. And of course, you will not share their email address with anyone.

2. Let your subscribers get to know you. The first contact is critical and will set the tone for your relationship. Tell your story. Let your subscribers know who you are, where you live, how you got started online, what you’ve accomplished and most importantly, how you can help them accomplish their goals. This bonding period will determine how they react when they see future email messages from you in their inbox.

3. Tell your subscribers exactly what to expect from you. Let them know up front what types of content you’ll be sending them. Tell them how often will you be sending emails. If you send special articles or reviews on Friday, let them know. Tell them what to look for in the subject line like the name of your ezine or an acronym. Make sure they know that you will be recommending products and services that you personally use to run your business. List all the benefits of being on your list in first email so they know exactly what to expect in the future.

4. Write your messages as if you were writing to a friend. Make your subscribers feel like you’re writing a personal note, just to them. Use a subject line that looks personal: Hey Bob, I think you’ll like this… Start your message with a personal story (make it short), then move on to the main topic of your email.

5. Get to know your subscribers. Before you start blasting your list with offer for the latest, greatest products that everyone else is pitching, get to know your audience and what THEY want. The easiest way to find out what they want is to simply ask. Have your subscribers send you their most important question about a particular topic or make a post on your blog. Surveys are another great way to find out what people want. Once you know what they are looking for, it’s easier to provide the content that they want and promote the products that they need.

6. Ditch the hype. It’s okay to get excited about a product that you truly believe in. But make sure you always tell the TRUTH about the products you promote. Don’t put a frosty coating on everything. Tell it like it is…good or bad. Your subscribers will love you for it and look forward to every email you send. People buy from people they trust. So when you do send a promotion, they’ll be more likely to buy from you.

7. Be Consistent. You need to contact your list on a regular basis. How often you send emails depends on the type of business you run. If you sell your own products, you may want to send a weekly update. If you promote affiliate products, you may want to send an article or product review every Wednesday to pre-sell your subscribers and then follow up with a promotion the next day. If they know when to expect your emails, then they’re more likely to look out for them on those days.

If you follow these 7 simple steps, you’re sure to build a long-lasting and profitable relationship with your list.

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Derrick VanDyke is the author of “Affiliate Cash Secrets.” If you’d like to get on his mailing list and receive tips, articles and information about affiliate marketing, visit:

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