Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Urgent: Google Massacre is Killing It My Friend!


I know you've heard people complaining about Google.

They sing the blues about "losing their shirt" to the corporate

giant. If you push them a little, they'll admit they think Google

is part of some vast conspiracy to make them poor.

Those poor souls are about to be left behind.

They're wasting time on complaints when they should be out there

scalping their competition. The only problem is, most people don't

know how to do that.

Well, Andrew X and Steven Jones have just changed the competition

destroying game plan my friend.

Google Massacre has just gone *live*, you need to see this right now:


These guys know exactly what they're doing. Their results prove it.

I'm talking about $800 a day with ClickBank without even thinking

about it. With a little more effort (and I mean VERY little),

they're pulling in six figures a month.

That's because they use techniques and strategies nobody else

does my friend, or if other people do, they're refusing to tell people like

you or me.

But Andrew and Steven are different from the rest. They're going to

tell you how to skip past the distractions and get similar results.

It's all in their new Google Massacre income system. They'll tell


  • How to be in complete control of your own performance, so you can be sure you'll get results.
  • Specific strategies for using Google to scalp your competition before they even know you're coming.
  • The right ways to maximize your returns and minimize your costs so you get an immediate edge on any competitor that dares to take you on.

It's finally all exposed right here:


Look, most people really don't know what they're doing with Google.

They throw money at it and wonder why they're not getting good


The problem is that they don't know how to scalp their competition.

Your competition WANTS you distracted by stuff that doesn't matter.

Andrew and Steven know that, and they're going to take your

blinders off so you know what to do.

Here's just a taste of what you'll learn in Google Massacre:

  • Killer tactics for stealing everything your competitors think is rightfully theirs-- clicks, customers, profits, EVERYTHING. They'll cry about it, but you'll leave them helpless.
  • Shocking ways to cut your costs to the bone and maximize your profits. Google isn't the enemy, but they really don't care if you profit or not -- YOU have to take control.
  • How to know exactly what your costs will be up front, so you can attack a market with absolute confidence.
  • How to triple your visitors in 24 hours or less. Let other people whine about not being able to get traffic. You'll need to hire help to handle all of yours.

And that's barely scratching the surface of what you'll discover

inside Google Massacre, my friend. You won't find better

"insider" information anywhere.

Here's your sneak peak inside Google's lair:


Online business is a war these days, and you need to be a ruthless

scalper when it's called for. Otherwise, you're a sitting duck.

But if you know what Andrew and Steven know, and you do what they

tell you to do, you'll be feared and respected my friend, and you'll

rake it in.

Let the scalping begin!



P.S. The decision is yours, but you need to realize it comes down

to one thing: SCALP or be SCALPED. Kill it now here:

==> http://ricardosppcempire.com/Recommends/GoogleMassacre

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